Saturday, May 16, 2009

Final Lit Reflection

I really enjoyed Children's Lit. This course was enjoyable and fun to come to on Tuesday nights. It was a class that I looked forward to attending. I really got a lot out of our class and group discussions. I thought they were really interesting making it easy to become engaged in. Jen, I think you chose interesting topics to cover during the semester. I really enjoyed blogging. Blogging allowed me to express my views on the literature in a non formal way. I feel that blogging allowed me to express myself better than a formal paper. I have learned a lot during the course of the semester and will now look at children's literature in a new light. Thanks for a great semester Jen!

So Far From the Bamboo Gove

Unlike Year of Impossible Goodbyes. I really enjoyed reading So Far From The Bamboo Grove by Yoko Kawashima Watkins. This was a lot more interesting of a read as this book was engaging making it difficult to put down. I really found a connection with Yoko's family in the novel. I kind of found myself emotionally attached and feeling for Yoko and her family. One of my favorite parts of the novel where I was able to make a personal connection was during Yoko, her mother, and her sister, Ko's flight from the Bamboo Gove. I connected to the part when they came to the iron railroad bridge that they needed to cross. Ko walked ahead of Yoko and her mother. Yoko thought it was mean of her sister to walk ahead of them and said she was beginning to hate Ko. Soon after Yoko said this Ko came back to put Yoko on her back and carry her across the bridge. She walked ahead of Yoko and her mother so she could drop off her pack. Yoko felt bad for saying she hared Ko. This reminds me of my sister and I. There are times that we become argry with each other over nothing, but at the end of the day we would go great lengths for one another becuase we love each other and care a lot about each other.

Year of the Impossible Goodbyes

Year of Impossible Goodbyes is written by Sook Nyui Choi. I unfortunately had a difficult time reading this book and getting through it. I found the first ten or so chapters dry and boring. It wasn't until the very end of the book that it picked up and got interesting for me. I also had a difficult time connecting with the family in this novel which is another reason why I enjoyed So Far From The Bamboo Grove a lot more. Although Year of Impossible Goodbyes was difficult to stick with I am definitly glad I read it. Reading a book like this really allows you to put life into perspective. I can't even imagine growing up and living a life like these children. It made me so sad to think about young children making weapons and living in fear. Although this isn't the life I live, this is reality for some children. After reading this book I am more appreciative of life and realize how lucky and fortunate I am.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Corduroy is written by Don Freeman. Corduroy is a little bear who has been sitting on the shelf in a big department store. He longed for someone to come and take him home with them. One day a little girl approached Corduroy and wanted to buy him. The little girl's mother said no because she had already spent a lot of money and said that Corduroy didn't look new because he was missing a button. Corduroy hadn't noticed he was missing a button. That night he decided to explore the department store in search of his button. During his search, Corduroy knocked over a lamp. Security heard the thud and came running to see who was in the store. All security could find was Corduroy. Security took him back to the shelf where he woke up in the morning to the little girl standing over him. The little girl bought Corduroy, took him home, and gave him a new button for his overalls.
This was my all time VERY favorite and most memorable book as a child. I remember wanting this book to be read to me ALL the time by my mom, dad, sister, grandma, and babysitter. I even got the Corduroy stuffed animal for my birthday. When I read this as a child I remember feeling bad for Corduroy every time. I was so sad that he sat on the shelf with no one to love him. It made me happy when Lisa bought him, took him home, sewed him a new button, and gave him a wonderful place to live. Corduroy will always be an all time favorite!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I'll Always Be Your Friend

I'll Always Be Your Friend is written by Sam McBratney and illustrated by Kim Lewis. The little fox and his mother spent their day playing in the fields running, jumping over shadows, and sneaking-and-pouncing. It started to get late so mother told her little fox it was time to call it a night. Little fox was not ready to stop playing. He told his mom that she wasn't his friend anymore and he wouldn't be her friend again until he was big. The little fox decides to test his mother and grazes the field alone. As it becomes darker out, the little fox becomes frightened. The little fox then begins to realize he needs his mother and that he didn't mean what he said. He decideds that he wants to be friends with his mom again. Little fox's mom told him, "I'm your friend, too. And you know what? I will always be your friend."
This is a really cute book. There are times when children become frustrated with their parents when they don't get their way. Children say things they don't mean out of frustration. I know I have done this many times. It doesn't take long after for children to realize they need their parents. I know my mom always welcomed me back with a big warm smile and open arms just like little fox's mom.

Hardworking Puppies

Hardworking Puppies by Lynn Reiser would be a cute book to read to a Kindergarten class. The book is about ten puppies who work hard playing all day. The puppies wanted more... They all wanted jobs! One by one the puppies were taken for jobs as a firefighter puppy, junior water-rescue puppy, an assistant clown puppy, a model puppy; etc. One day there was only one little puppy left. Along came a boy who needed a hardworking puppy. This last little puppy became an expert pet!
I think this is a really good book for teaching. It incorporates math using subtraction and counting down. This is an information book and teaches children that dogs aren't just pets. Dogs can have a lot of different jobs. At the end of the book there is a page that has descriptions of the different doggie jobs. There is also a page showing how to subtract by one.

Just Like Sisters

Just Like Sisters is written by Angela McAllister and Sophie Fatus. This is a story about pen pals, Nancy and Ally. Nancy is so excited because her pen pal Ally is finally coming from Florida to visit. They haven't meet before, but Nancy knows they will be just like sisters since they know everything about one another! Nancy and Ally have a great week together shopping, going to the beach, going out to eat, and attending dance lessons. Ally makes a lot of new friends during her visit with Nancy. When Nancy takes Ally back to the airport, the man checking tickets asked Ally if her sister would be coming too. They smiled big, and Nancy replied, "Sisters are together even when they're apart."
My favorite part of the book was the ending. I loved the quote, "Sisters are together even when they're apart." This made me think of my sister and I. Although I am in Iowa for school and she is at home, I feel like we are together since we talk every day. I know everything going on in her life even though I'm not there from talking to her daily. :)