Corduroy is written by Don Freeman. Corduroy is a little bear who has been sitting on the shelf in a big department store. He longed for someone to come and take him home with them. One day a little girl approached Corduroy and wanted to buy him. The little girl's mother said no because she had already spent a lot of money and said that Corduroy didn't look new because he was missing a button. Corduroy hadn't noticed he was missing a button. That night he decided to explore the department store in search of his button. During his search, Corduroy knocked over a lamp. Security heard the thud and came running to see who was in the store. All security could find was Corduroy. Security took him back to the shelf where he woke up in the morning to the little girl standing over him. The little girl bought Corduroy, took him home, and gave him a new button for his overalls.
This was my all time VERY favorite and most memorable book as a child. I remember wanting this book to be read to me ALL the time by my mom, dad, sister, grandma, and babysitter. I even got the Corduroy stuffed animal for my birthday. When I read this as a child I remember feeling bad for Corduroy every time. I was so sad that he sat on the shelf with no one to love him. It made me happy when Lisa bought him, took him home, sewed him a new button, and gave him a wonderful place to live. Corduroy will always be an all time favorite!