Have you ever heard the old saying, "Life's not fair!" Well, this is a book all about life not being fair. Why'd I get the smaller half? Why can't I have curly locks? Why don't you yell at her? Why does she get brand new shoes? IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!!
I thought this was a really cute book. I enjoyed the illustrations as they were necessary for understanding the story. For example, one page says "Why'd I get these funny feet? Why's she get the window seat? I always get the boring sheet. It's not fair." The illustration that matches this text is a picture of four babies in a nursery. One baby has funny looking feet; one is mad because he is stuck in the middle and wanted to be by the window; one has a plain white blanket while the other three have polka dotted sheets; and the other is perfectly happy! Without the illustration, I wouldn't have understood the setting, characters, or what they were referring to. Therefore, the illustrations are important for understanding the written text. My favorite part of the book is how it rhymes!
This book takes me back to my childhood and reminds me of my sister and I. "Why does she get to do that and I don't?" "Why can't I?" "Kristin got to..." "It's not fair!!!" I always hated that feeling when you knew something wasn't fair and you were the one disadvantaged. It is so frustrating!! After complaining and bickering, you always seem to get that same dreaded response, "Well, I am sorry Katie but life's not fair." AHHHH!! That response makes me cringe. It's like hearing nails on a chalkboard! I will let you in on a little secret. SHHH!! (I think parents have to use that line when they know they are being unfair and can't justify their reasoning. It drives me CRRAAAZZYYY!)
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